
User Registration

Welcome to The Footprint Calculator – where our mission is to reduce the cost and time associated with the sustainability assessment of designs.

Our registration process will take a few minutes and involve a couple of steps.

Step 1: Involves providing us information to set up a username and your preferred password.
Step 2: You will be taken to another page where you enter details of the project you are registering and paying a licence fee to assess.
Step 3: Is the payment page.
Step 4: download the information sheet and start using the calculators.

It is important to note that the initial licence fee enables you to run up to 10 assessments for the project. You are able to purchase additional runs, by emailing us at help@footprintcompany.com.au

If you need help to complete this process or want to ask questions please call or email us.

First Name
Last Name
Re-type password
Email Address
Organisation Name

This area should contain the instructions to proceed

Contact Us

Contact The Footprint Company:

Phone: +61 2 9389 7065

Email: help@footprintcompany.com.au